
  • <House M.D.> S2E18
    New York 2023 - 2024. 4. 19. 09:56

    an image NOT from S2E18

    Since 'House' isn't available on US Netlfix, I've been watching it on Prime Video. S2E18 isn't very medically amusing but has got interesting stuff going on in the side plots. 

    - It teases 'Grey's Anatomy' in two ways. First, a Mandarin speaking patient is played by an actress who was in Grey's S1E2 and speaks only Mandarin in both shows. Second, in one scene, House was lying on the floor of his office with a book 'Gray's Anatomy' under his head. Haha. Note that this isn't the first time they alluded to Grey's. There was an extra named Dr. Webber in another episode.

    - It shows how cruel humans can be in two ways. First, a lesbian couple uses each other, one who wants to leave her partner but receives her liver for her own life, the other who knows her partner planning to leave but gives her liver so she can't leave her... Second, Dr. Foreman steals Dr. Cameron's article but he doesn't feel any remorse and even when Cameron extends an olive branch, he defines his relationship with Cameron in the coldest possible term. The dialogue is worth quoting here:

    Cameron: I don't own House's cases. You had just as much right as I did to write it up. You should have told me but... I should've handled it better too.
    Cameron: If we want this not to get in the way of our friendship, I think we both have to apologize and put it behind us.
    Foreman: I like you, really. We have a good time working together. But ten years from now, we're not gonna be hanging out, having dinners. Maybe we'll exchange Christmas cards, say "Hi," give a hug if we're at the same conference. We're not friends, we're colleagues. And I don't have anything to apologize for.


    Wow. Foreman's words are an apt summary of my indifference/apathy/distance towards most Americans I interact with on a daily basis and the indifference/apathy/distance I felt/feel/will feel from very few Americans I like to be friends with. Maybe I should feel better now because it seems Americans feel this way about their fellows too. In this case, it could be more about the relationship between two races (Foreman-black, Cameron-white) though. 

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