
  • Three Annoying Women
    New York 2023 - 2024. 4. 14. 02:12

    Before complaining about these human beings, I must make it clear that they absolutely have a number of good qualities and I can also be annoying. It's just that I have this urge to vent.

    1. C

    She is the 18-year-old daughter of my high school friend. She is so shy and quiet, which annoys me as hell. Max has a nickname for her: ST, LT or QT (soft talker, low talker or quiet talker), in other words, her voice is like 모기소리. I often have to strain my ears even when she speaks Korean. The most unusual thing: she couldn't answer right away when I asked what her favorite foods were! WTF! Something must be off if someone has a hard time thinking about what they like to eat. Is she bulimic? (She actually has some mental health issues so it's somewhat understandable but still!) Ok, my friend told me that C's sole purpose of visiting NYC was to meet my cats. But, she spent thousands of dollars for an airticket and a place to stay and flew 15+ hours and all she does is to stay in her airbnb when I'm not with her. Max and I went to the Bronx zoo with her because that's the only place she suggested we go to and about 2 hours into it, she got tired and had to sit down. I found out her being tired only because I saw her face and asked her. If I hadn't, she probably wouldn't have said anything. And she didn't bring water with her. I asked her if she had a water bottle at home but I couldn't make out her answer;;;; I'm too tired to ask her to repeat, to try to read her mind and to figure out what activities she might like. I understand teenagers are very unformed and inexperienced in life and don't have clear preferences or ideas of what they want but I expect them to be able to tell me whether they like the food I offer or not clearly. How hard is it? 

    2. K

    I'd like to think she is still my best Korean friend in NY. Considering her old age (78) I should forgive her for what she did but it will take some time. It all started with the Bronx Zoo. I invited K and her husband because I thought it would be nice to hang out with them after my long trip and since they have a car, the 5 of us could get around more easily. She called on Friday night and agreed to join us at the zoo and on Saturday I texted her the meeting details and she didn't reply to me so I went ahead and bought admission tickets for Sunday. But it turns out, on Saturday afternoon, her son said to her it's dangerous to park in the zoo because Hyundai cars have been the main target for auto theft! Furthermore, she isn't a very experienced driver so she has many restrictions (i.e. she can't drive in Manhattan so last year Max and I had to take the subway to meet with her in Queens and then Max took over the steering wheel to go hiking upstate;;;;) and she can't drive after it gets dark (We were going to meet at noon so I told her she could go home before dark, but she wasn't convinced). In the end, she canceled on me for some highly unlikely risks. I am so mad that she's such a coward and she didn't let me know sooner (she left her phone in her son's car so she didn't see my text until later.) I even hate myself for having such a wuss friend.

    3. R

    She is the girlfriend of Max's doctor friend Jack. She is often gossipy and braggy about her relationships and has very different interests from mine. We all had dinner together recently and here are some of her comments: "(to me) You've got the youngest guy here." (it's sort of true, there were 6 guys and most of them were older than Max but who cares? I was the youngest woman there and R is 68.) "As guys get older, they have weird issues." (She meant weird health issues because her boyfriend's had a few problems like kidney stones, macular degeneration, etc. He is also hard of hearing. So what? Do you really have to say that now?) "The secret to how I was married to my late husband for 28 years was that we had a nice basement so he had his own space and I could sleep separately as he snored. The last few years we really didn't have anything to talk about. Even on our date nights, I just listened to him and ate silently. By the way, Jack also snores so I had to sleep in a different room last night." (All I could say about her marriage in reponse was it's so sad. Should I have spilled the misery of my marriage?) "(Bragging her engagement ring) Jack and I are going to celebrate our 34th anniversary (they met only 3 years ago). We count months while other people count years. It's the 34th month since we met." (Ugh, so cheesy!) She said a lot of other things, but I think this is enough venting. Thankfully, she lives in Georgia.

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