
  • 천국 다음에 지옥
    New York 2023 - 2023. 6. 20. 10:23

    일주일 안에 기분이 천국에서 지옥으로 급강하했다. 


    - 천국: 지난 주부터 시작한 통역 트레이닝이 너무 재밌(었)다. 고객 서비스 관련해서 각종 용어를 가르쳐주는데, 다양한 방법으로 동기 유발을 시킨다. 수십 페이지짜리 pdf 목록을 주고 수업 시간에 트레이너가 학생들한테 돌아가면서 용어를 던져주고 뜻을 영어로 설명한 다음에 다른 언어(나는 한국어)로 번역하게 하고, quizlet flashcards도 제공한다. 속도와 방식이 나같이 차근차근 정확한 의미를 알고 싶어하는 사람한테 딱이다. 그리고 알고보니, 의료 분야 통역 훈련이었던거다! 거기다 선생님도 의료 용어를 엄청 좋아해서 의사가 됐어야했다고 하고, Grey's Anatomy를 추천하는 등 성향이 나랑 비슷하다. 예를 들면, D&C가 무슨 뜻인지 아는 사람 있냐고 하길래, 내가 낙태 시술 아니냐고 하니까 엄밀히 따지면 유산한 경우에도 같은 시술을 받는다고 지적해줬다. 1주일만에 벌써 영어 듣기와 말하기가 늘고 앞으로 더 많이 배울 희망에 완전 부풀어서 기분 고조......


    - Hell: M has become a different person, at least to me. Now I don't even know if I like him anymore. Owing to people's praises and his boosted confidence, he is officially an artist, which I'm totally happy about. Being a natural sales person, he's been coming up with a ton of ideas to promote his artworks. All he cares about is his stuff and I am his tech person scanning and printing his drawings and troubleshooting his issues with devices. (He is not 컴맹 but he's not tech savvy at all.) What really bugs me is that he is constantly talking to a friend on the phone or a stranger on the street about himself and his art. Imagine hearing someone boasting about the same thing all day and all week. I go to a restaurant with him and he starts telling a waitress his stories and showing his artworks. I knew he could sometimes be overly hyper and egomaniac and more than once I let him know I did not like that part of his personality. Nowadays it's nonstop. I am in a constant state of being put off by it/him. His memory for anything else than himself has worsened and whatever I tell him goes in one ear and out the other within hours. So I realize I don't have anyone I want to talk to, which makes it pointless to improve my English. What am I doing here if I don't like my husband? It could be just a coincidence, but I read some stories about "divorce" recently and the word stuck with me. I am cranky with him and he's finally noticed my mood and is becoming cranky with me as well and I don't know how to get out of this. 

    'New York 2023 -' 카테고리의 다른 글

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