
  • Misery in Mexico (updated)
    Mexico 2024 2024. 1. 18. 01:43


    At first, I was going to write about pros and cons of living in Mexico, but then I realize there're virtually no pros except that I get to see the kitties being happy at a new place. Hence, the misery.

    - Rocky beaches: The VERY FIRST DAY I walked on the beach where the airbnb was on, I got stabbed and bled on the bottom of my foot by a super sharp fish tooth, which PIERCED THROUGH my flipflops!!!! Looking back, it definitely wasn't such a great start of a trip. I don't even want to think about what would've happened had I been barefoot. What's more maddening is Max walks on this beach and any other beaches barefoot 100% times and he hasn't hurt himself! I have to wear shoes or sandals all the time to protect myself from injury. Also, my feet are too tender to walk barefoot on a beach that is rocky, not sandy. Unfortunately most of the beaches here have a lot of sharp shells and stones.

    - Insect bites: I have been ATTACKED by insects. (I don't know if they are mosquitoes or no-see-um because I've never seen them. I thought it was noseeums but then Google says I should feel their "bites" when they bite me because they actually tear my skin as opposed to mosquitoes puncturing. So I still don't know where the bites are from.) I got at least 50-60 bites in total while Max got 1-2. Talking about unfairness! I'm the victim whenever we travel together. I am kind of allergic to bug bites so they last long and now some form a blister! I spray myself a bug repellent for hiking but don't want to use it all the time.

    - Back pain: It gets worse when I have a period. This time, I tried to minimize physical activities and managed to get almost no spasms but then somehow mild pain persisted for more days than before so it feels like it evened out. Do I want to suffer severe pain for 2 days or mild pain for 5 days? I DO NOT KNOW. The plastic chairs we bought here weren't perfect so I am putting one cusion on the seat and another in the back. Also, making it even worse, the toilets are high, I mean, really high that I have to tiptoe to touch the floor. I noticed that people on the west coast of Mexico are taller than the ones on the east coast, but, come on, high toilet seats are bad for constipation too! (I'll write more about this in another post)

    - Periods: Once again, combined with back pain, I hate periods more than ever. A friend from Korea gave me an idea of taking a hormonal medication Visanne (dienogest) to stop having periods but as my luck goes, it's not available in the US (FDA hasn't approved it, WTF) and in Mexico it's only available at one specific pharmacy chain, which I'm planning to find.

    - A cold: Yes, I got a cold here where the average daily temperature is 70 degrees F (22 degrees C). Max first got sick and then got better and we shared water bottles when I didn't bother to wash because I was too lazy. Of course, now I'm sick! It's not covid, I home-tested negative, but that doesn't mean it's nothing. I can no longer see difference between covid and a common cold. The symptoms are pretty much the same: bodyache, headache, sore throat, cough....

    In the last few days, I've had a period+back pain+a cold, which adds up to a sheer misery. How lucky I am! I'm seriously thinking this might be my last winter trip.

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