
  • <Homecoming> by John Bradshaw
    New York 2023 - 2023. 10. 15. 10:22

    친한 친구 덕분에 이 책을 읽기 시작했다. 1992년에 출간됐으니 "상처받은 내면의 아이 wounded inner child"라는 개념이 대중화되는데 한몫한 듯 하다. 최근에 이미 트라우마 관련서들을 읽어서 뭐 새로운게 있으려나 했는데, 아이와 부모의 관계를 분석한 내용이 흥미롭고 와닿는다. 

    In one sense, we remain dependent all our lives. We always are in need of love and interaction. No one is so self-sufficient that he does not need anyone else. Our wonder child(a child filled with wonder)'s dependency allows us to form attachments and to make commitments. As we grow older, we need to be needed. At some point in healthy growth we become generative and care for life itself. This is our evolutionary vocation, if you will. It's really a matter of balance between dependency and undependency. When the inner child has been wounded through neglect of his developmental dependency needs, he either isolates and withdraws or clings and become enmeshed.

    'New York 2023 -' 카테고리의 다른 글

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