
  • Socializing
    New York 2023 - 2023. 8. 1. 04:40

    일요일 한낮 지하철에 고단해보이는 아저씨

    I've been socializing a lot lately. It's half my effort and half others'. Last Friday I had lunch with 3 of my students from my English class. They are 20-40 years my senior but I don't feel any age gap other than age-related health issues. My knee pain started in my thirties and my back pain a few years ago so it's not hard to relate to what they're going through. It just amazes me that they still take multiple English classes. I love listening to their life stories, sharing my issues and getting words of wisdom. They like to treat me to lunch (probably because I am their teacher) and  I like to hang out with them so this is a total win-win. IF I live to be that age, I don't think I'll be as alert, active, positive and graceful as them. It seems easier to get bitter as I get older. 


    Yesterday, Sunday, I went to see a Chinese friend, Dan. She lives quite far away but I took the wrong train so it took even longer--2 hours--than expected. I had to take 2 trains and 1 bus and it's a neighborhood I've never been to. The actual meeting lasted only about 1 hour but it was worth it. She is one of my favorite friends here and probably the only non-Korean friend I like to stay in touch with. The last time I saw her she was pregnant with her second child and now her life is solely dedicted to looking after her two children and husband. We sat and talked at a playground with her children. During the conversation, I was able to see myself and my mom in her at the same time. She's a few years younger and still wants to a lot of things like going back to school even with her master's degree in engineering but also assumes complete responsibility for her toddler until he becomes relatively independent. Sometimes she tells me she wants to run away from everything when she sees her conservative husband playing a game on his phone though. When I mentioned my fear of losing friends, she said she didn't feel the need to see friends often. Maybe she's right. I have friends in Korea who I haven't talked to for years but I have faith in the friendship.

    'New York 2023 -' 카테고리의 다른 글

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